When the mesh is changed it must be changed in MakeHuman as well. Makeclothes is prepared to deal with other meshes as well for future versions. However, if you need more than one base mesh, all others can be marked as clothes

it is possible to create more than one item of clothing with one human.A group of the same name must be created on the human each vertex of an item of clothing needs to be in one (and only one) vertex group.each vertex of an item of clothing uses 3 vertices on body or helper to find its position according to the human created in MakeHuman.only one material for one item of clothing is allowed in MakeHuman.sculpting or when you work with 3rd party meshes.

Advantage for quads is a smoother design with a later usage of subdivision surface algorithm (smoothing). The mesh for the clothes can either be done with quads or with triangles.Makeclothes has certain limits according to the internal structure of MakeHuman Only base mesh and helper can be used to create clothes. MakeClothes uses a similar construction, since the clothes follow vertices on the helper or base mesh. These weights determine how much a bone will be followed.
weighting: when a character is posed the skin but also the clothes should follow the bones.Shapekeys can be used as a special pose too. Typically these poses are created with the standard skeleton. Other poses are T-Pose or a pose which is user generated. posing: the standard "unposed" base mesh is presented in an A-Pose.clothes: clothes will be all meshes MakeClothes is able to create.This mesh cannot be used for MakeClothes. This results in a mesh with 4 times as many vertices. smoothing: MakeHuman may use smoothing on a base mesh.a different resolution or to add genitals. topologies: special case for a proxy used as a mesh for the skin.Do differentiate between a piece of cloth and an alternative mesh for the skin, the alternative mesh is called a topology. proxies: in a way all meshes projected on the body are proxies.base mesh and helper mesh: The base mesh is the standard body mesh including a helper-mesh used in MakeHuman.To understand the process, a short summary of terms used in MakeHuman: To use MakeClothes in Blender knowledge of Blender itself is needed. This also includes hair and different tongue or a new topology for the skin. The term "clothes" is not really correct, the program creates any kind of mesh which can be used for a character generated by MakeHuman. Furthermore it is able to work with the human base mesh provided by MPFB. It could be installed as a single plugin, but at least MakeSkin should be used, if the creation of material is also part of your work. MakeClothes2 is used to create clothes for MakeHuman characters. 1.13 Usage of shape keys and targets, create heels.1.5 Create simple clothes (extract from helper).1.4 Tell MakeClothes the type of the object.Return to Blender by reopening it and then in those User Preferences, go to Addons and search for "Make Human", there should be the three plugins there for you to enable. command script a chance to double-check it has the write installation location. I think all you have to do while installing is to open Blender, then open "User Preferences" and save them, and quit. The shell/prompt/terminal will spawn and tell you what to do. command file to run it (or right-click and open, to override your computer warning). Desktop or Documents (they must be in the same directory). You move the folder "Blender Plugins" and this "Install\ Blender\ mand" file to a folder on your computer, e.g.
You should downlaod the new version of MakeHuman 1.1.1 and the disk you download should have a folder "Blender Plugins" with three subfolders, each of which will be a plubin for Blender - makeclothes, maketarget, makewalk.